About detective agencies in india

Capable Detective is a best detective in India We have 22-23 year of experience in detectives ,Investigation field .We are expert t in pre and post Marital investigation , We have all India services , our method of doing work is very unique and more 10 ways of collecting information . We manitain full confidentially of our clients.We deal with lots of cases and give 100% satisfy result and response.

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Capable Detective

Head Office
Jaipur Address
Office:-  Near G G Nursing Home Sanjay Place Agra Uttarpardesh 282001 capabledetective@gmail.com www.capabledetective.com Mobile +916350620600    
Phone:+91 6350620600
Branch Office
Delhi Address
Near G G Nursing Home in Sanjay Place Agra Uttarpardesh 282001
Phone:+91 6350620600

Our Services

Mobile Related Information

We  provide  you  mobile  information  like  Incoming calls ,  Outgoing  calls  ,  Missed  calls  ,  Inbox  ,  whatsapp  chats ,  Gallery  , , Live ...Read More

Criminal Report

We  will   provide  criminal  record   of  person  in  few  minutes  ,  that  record  will be  valid  report  and  that  you  are  able  to  use  anywhere  for...Read More

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