Corporate investigation

corporate investigation is the through investigation of a corporation or business in order to uncover wrong doing committed by management, employees, or third parties. ... A corporate investigation mainly  include  investigation  related  to  business .

This  investigation  done  for  trusting  our  business  partner , empolyee and  it also  help to  take  future  action  in  any  business.

An effective corporate investigation may provide management  the information it needs to make an informed decision on how to proceed in the face of alleged misconduct. In many cases the investigation will provide the information needed to take steps to ensure that no future violations occure  .

By  Corporate  Investiagtion we  can  save  our business  from  future losses ,  it  give  us  right  way  for  business  and  help  to  take  right  decision regarding  our  empolyee .

Corporate  Investigation  Include :-

  • Company Profile  Verification 
  • Financial institution
  • Asset tracing
  • Risk Mitigation of  business
  • Empolyee cheating 
  • Financial Background 
  • Criminal Background 
  • Fraud  Investigation
  • Global Risk Managment
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Empolyee Theft Investigation
  • Undercover  Assigmnent
  • Discrimination or  Harassment in  work place
  • Sting Operation
  • Counselling  Service
  • Referral  Check
  • Vendor Verification
  • Market Survey
  • Education Verification
  • Document  Verification 
  • Forensic  Service
  • Incident /Accident  in  Offce  
  • Sucide / Murder of employee


