Private Investigation

Private Investigation is  must  in  today  going  environment , as  we seeing many  fraud are  going  in  today's world to save  you  from  all  these  fraud Capable  Detective  is  here . Capable  Detective  provide  you best  detective  service  in  all over   India  , We  are  best  in  Private Investigation . 

Private Investigation  it  obtain  from  personal  sources  and  from  personal  contact  of  a  person ,Direct Private Investigation is the method in which data are collected by the investigator personally from sources .

Capable  Detective  give  100% confidentiality gurantee ,  we  maintain  full  privacy  of  our  client . Private Investigation  need full  confidentiality .

Private Investigation  give  you  clear  idea  of  a  Person nature  ,  activities  .
This  method  ensures  high  degree  of  accuracy of  information  and collected data are uniform because they are collected by one person and  original data are collected in  perosnal investigation . 

Personal  provide  us  full  of  a  person  like  affairs  ,  relations  , secrets  and  other  information.

  • Private Investigation  Include  :-
  • Pre  Marriage  Investigtion
  • Post Marriage   Investiagtion
  • Affairs  
  • Relations 
  • Income  Source 
  • Property Information
  • Mobile  Information
  • Criminal  Information
  • Good / Bad Habits 
  • Background  Information
  • Family  Information 
  • Character Report
  • Job  Information
  • Medical  Status of   a Person
  • Physical Heath of a Person
  • Unplanned  Shopping
  • Sucide or Murder
  • Accident or Incident
  • Extra Marital Affairs
  • Sting Operation
  • Counselling Service
  • Forensic Service
  • Foot Survillance
  • Vehicle Survillance
  • Survillance
  • Social Media  Investigation
  • Neighbour Refrence
  • Divorce Case
  • Sudden Change in behaviour
  • Depression 

Other Personal  things  of  a  person are  include  in  Private Investigation  ,  Private Investigation  is  must  before  trusting  a person ,  by  this  investigation  we  come  to  know  about  that  person  all  information , before  marriage  investigation ( Pre Marriage ) is  very  important  and  After  marraige  is  must  when  our  partner  is  hiding  something  from us and  it  is  usefull  in  divorce  case of  person .

So , Basically  Private Investigation  important  before trusting  a person .
