Personal investigation

Personal Investigation

Personal  Investigation  it  obtain  from  personal  sources  and  from  personal  contact  of  a  person ,Direct personal investigation is the method in which data are collected by the investigator personally from sources 

this method ensures high degree of accuracy of  information  and collected data are uniform because they are collected by one person and  original data are collected in  perosnal investigation . 

Personal  provide  us  full  of  a  person  like  affairs  ,  relations  , secrets  and  other  information.

Personal  Investigation  Include  :-

Pre  Marriage  Investigtion

Post Marriage   Investiagtion



Income  Source 

Property Information

Mobile  Information

Criminal  Information

Good / Bad Habits 

Background  Information

Family  Information 

Character Report

Job  Information

Medical  Status of   a Person

Physical Heath of a Person

Other Personal  things  of  a  person are  include  in  personal  investigation  ,  personal  investigation  is  must  before  trusting  a person ,  by  this  investigation  we  come  to  know  about  that  person  full  information  before  marriage  investigation ( Pre Marriage ) is  very  important  and  After  marraige  is  must  when  our  partner  is  hiding  something  from us and  it  is  usefull  in  divorce  case of  person .

So , Basically  Personal  investigation  important  before trusting  a person .

